One day a director in L.A. called me. I’m not sure who gave him my name. He was shooting three films for an Italian watch they wanted to portray as luxury starring Gerard Butler. The shoot was in a week. The locations were locked. There was one script that was still not written.
The assignment was to write an internal monologue for Gerard Butler who would be on camera at a house in Malibu looking out at the ocean. The script tagline was already written: “Time to Live.” I wrote a bunch of scripts and sent them over. I got a call a few days later from the director who was on his way over to Gerard’s house where they were going to record the VO for one of my scripts. He said Gerard had an issue and wanted to talk to the writer. He asked if I could get on a quick call with Gerard, so I did. Gerard was very respectful. He said he liked the script a lot except for one line he didn’t feel was masculine enough. I suggested a couple of other lines. He liked one. Here’s how the film turned out. It ran in Europe, with subtitles.
CD/CW: Paula Dombrow, Director: Sinisha Nisevic